PSG Other Events

The theory of maximum entropy plays an important role in the analysis of ill-posed problems that occur in diverse areas of science. It is on the foundations of Info-Metrics, a research area at the intersection of statistics, computer science and decision theory, among others fields. This workshop aims to promote methodologies and new applications

O III Encontro Luso-Galaico de Biometria, EBio2018, decorrerá de 28 a 30 de junho de 2018 no Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Aveiro, sendo organizada pela Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística (SPE) e pela Sociedade Galega para a Promoción da Estatística e Investigación de Operacións (SGAPEIO). Este Encontro é dirigido a profissionais e utilizadores da Estatística, académicos, investigadores e estudantes. Objectivos gerais: 1.Difundir os mais recentes avanços no desenvolvimento e aplicação de métodos estatísticos e matemáticos em Biologia, Medicina, Ecologia, Psicologia, Farmacologia, Agricultura, Meio Ambiente e outras Ciências da Vida. 2.Ampliar o raio de ação das sociedades envolvidas a novos setores do amplo campo da Biometria. 3.Promover o intercâmbio e intensificar as relações dentro de cada comunidade e entre as duas comunidades estatísticas

Este workshop, que se realiza no dia 27 de junho entre as 10 e 13h no Departamento de Matemática e sob a coordenação científica de Pedro Macedo, é um ponto de partida para a exploração desta fascinante área da estatística: os estudos por amostragem. Alguns dos diversos tópicos abordados: associações empresariais, legislação e reguladores, métodos de amostragem, elaboração de questionários, recolha e tratamento da informação

Está agendada para 23 de maio mais uma edição do workshop do grupo de investigação de Probabilidade e Estatística do Centro de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Matemática e Aplicações (CIDMA) aberta a toda a comunidade académica. Como habitualmente, o workshop vai contar com quatro palestras que evidenciam a interdisciplinaridade de várias áreas do saber com as Probabilidades e a Estatística. A decorrer no Auditório Sousa Pinto do Departamento de Matemática, as palestras serão proferidas por investigadores do CESAM, DeCivil, DEGEIT, DMat e CIDMA

The second edition will continue to discuss the importance of the entropy concept and the maximum entropy principle in diverse areas of science. This edition includes a tutorial on Info-Metrics presented by Professor Amos Golan (Info-Metrics Institute, American University; Santa Fe Institute; Pembroke College, Oxford)

V Workshop of the Probability and Statistics Group — Interdisciplinarity and applications
It is a pleasure to announce the organization of the fifth edition of the workshop of the Group of Probability and Statistics (GPS) of the CIDMA research unit. The main goal is to promote the importance of the interdisciplinarity of Statistical Science with others scientific research areas. In this edition, the workshop is focused on both statistical methods and statistical models and their applications on Environment, Biomedicine and Neuroscience areas. The main purpose is to strengthen links among researchers who apply, or intent to apply, probability and statistical methods in their research works

127th European Study Group with Industry, ESGI 127. Aveiro, Portugal
Ana Raquel Xambre, Cristina Requejo e Rui Borges Lopes (Grupo de Otimização, teoria dos Grafos e Combinatória), Helena Alvelos e Vera Afreixo (Grupo de Probabilidades e Estatística) participaram na Comissão Organizadora

Over the last few decades, the theory of maximum entropy has played an important role in the analysis of ill-posed problems that occur in diverse areas of science. Besides introducing its theoretical background, some recent research in statistics and economics will be discussed, where information processing and inference are crucial topics

IV Workshop of Probability and Statistics group — Interdisciplinarity and applications — HERE
It is a pleasure to announce the organization of a new workshop of the Group of Probability and Statistics (GPS) of the CIDMA research unit. The main goal is to promote the importance of the interdisciplinarity of Statistical Science with others scientific research areas. In this fourth edition, the workshop is focused on the relevance of the knowledge of both statistical methods and statistical models and their applications, in particular, on Economy and Genomic areas. The main purpose is to strengthen links among researchers of GPS and participants who apply, or intent to apply, probability and statistical methods in their research works. Our invited speakers will present a short talk, which may include open problems, followed by discussion in view of exchanging ideas and fomenting further research plans

III Workshop of Probability and Statistics group — Interdisciplinarity and applications. —HERE
The Group of Probability and Statistics (GPS) runs a regular seminar program in which we bring together the statisticians of the Math Department as well as national and international scholars and researchers, working within the area of probability and statistics. After the success of the I and II Workshops held in 2013 and 2014 the GPS is organizing a third edition focused again on interdisciplinarity and applications of statistical methodologies on different scientific areas. The main purpose is to strengthen links among researchers of the GPS and the participants who apply or intent to apply probability and statistical methods in their research work

II Workshop of Probability and Statistics group — Interdisciplinarity and applications. —HERE
The Group of Probability and Statistics (GPS) runs a regular seminar program in which we bring together the statisticians of the Math Department as well as national and international scholars and researchers, working within the area of probability and statistics. After the success of the I Workshop held during the International Year of Statistic, the GPS is organizing a second edition focused again on interdisciplinarity and applications of statistical methodologies on different scientific areas. The main purpose is to strengthen links among researchers of the GPS and the participants who apply or intent to apply probability and statistical methods in their research work

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